The purpose of Raindrop Technique is to stimulate every organ muscle and bone of the body at a cellular level through the oils, supporting the immune system, bringing the body into structural/electrical balance and enabling the release of toxins and disease wherever they may be lodged – including those illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions. Raindrop Therapy is a non-secular art and science.
Ear Candling
“Ear Candling” has a long, well-respected history and in ancient times being described as “coning,” using cone-shaped glazed pottery clay, to create a downward spiral energy flow of smoke and heated air to carry the burning herbs down into the ear canal; causing a counter-clockwise flow caused by the vacuum action of the cone. The mixture of the smoke and heat cleansed the air canal, pulling out debris in a vacuum-like fashion as the air was burned out of the ear canal.
Ear Candling is a safe, simple, natural and soothing experience that reduces stress, tension, and sharpens mental function. Its benefits include helping with sinus congestion, parasites, colds, earaches, sinus infections, candida, itching, headaches, lymphatic congestion, sore throats, mucus, balance and equilibrium.
Neuromuscular Massage
I offer soft-tissue manipulation to balance the body’s central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws explaining how the nervous system initiates and maintains pain. My goal is to help relieve this pain and dysfunction by helping understand and alleviate the underlying cause. This treatment may also assist in releasing spasms and hypercontraction in the tissue, eliminate pain-causing trigger points, rebuild injured tissues, assist venous and lymphatic flow, and restore postural alignment, proper biomechanics, and flexibility to the tissues.
By using a soft tissue manipulation aiming to treat underlying causes of issues involving the muscular and nervous systems, this medically-oriented form of massage addresses your trigger points (tender muscle points), circulation, nerve compression, postural issues, and biomechanical problems often caused by repetitive movement injuries.
Cranio Sacral Therapy
From infants to the elderly, a modality that most techniques do not address, I offer an effective alternative to other less successful therapies through a gentle touch, working directly with the body’s tissues, to relax and produce a positive effect on the energy systems that connect the body, mind, and emotions (your cerebral spinal fluid surrounding spine, cranium and sacrum).
Subtle maniuplation of this spinal fluid in order to bring the body back into balance, tapping into your Cranio sacral rhythm, felt most strongly at your head (cranio) down to the base of your spine (sacrum), this rhythm is created by a “wave” of fluid continually flowing around the brain and spinal cord, felt throughout your tissues. As tension anywhere within your body can restrict this cranio rhythm, cranio sacral therapy can support healthful changes on a profound level, including: relief for physical tension regarding emotional feelings, past fear experiences, and trauma (both physical and emotional).